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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  January 29, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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(male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts at eight.
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new information on the developing story we've been following tonight. police searching a home in san francisco, in connection with the 19-84 disappearance of kevin collins. the latest on the search. plus, new reaction from family members and neighbors. i'm pam moore. we'll see you at eight. developing tonight at eight o-clock. a new search for answers in a decades- old disappearance. investigators swarm a san francisco home. looking for clues about the fate of 10- year- old kevin collins. the san francisco boy who went kron-4's justine waldman begins our live team coverage. of this still developing story. from san francisco's haight- ashbury neighborhood. with today. justine? just moments ago. we heard from one of kevin collin's brothers. who opened up about the new developments
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in the case. >> we had cadaver dogs they were discovered underneath the crotch. those phones were taken for testing. further analysis will be done to find out exactly what the nature of those bones are, human, or other. the people that are incurred habitants, are not a suspect in this case. the people that are-the current have and that' habitants of the up te rolling are knocke are not flasf
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that residence are not suspects. he spoke to kron- 4's grant lodes. grant is with us now. what did he say? >> they believe that these bones appear to from an animal remains. this is still not quite the same as full closure of what happened to him. but it is still really sad. >> we have a nap from some key locations just south of
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the panhandle. he loved basketball practice at st. agnes. and he waited for a bus at oak street. less than one block away that is the last place that he was seen for this is where the bones were foundcollins left basketball school here in the haight. he waited for a bus at oak st and masonic. that was thetoday the bones were found on masonic.near page street. that's the home where investigators are focusing.and we want to go back out there live now. reggie >> reporter: reportethey serveda search warrant that this resident. moments later, they went into this residents with of their equipment. sai saw officials
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wearing hard hats and carrying tools. >> reporter: neighbors are in shock about the new evidence which san francisco police say, could be linked to the disappearance of kevin it change the way of authorities handle abductions. >> everybody was it is significantly involved. it was like a personal loss. in anything that we could do. (aussie accent) >> reporter: in san francisco, kron 4. our team coverage continues now with kron-4's charles clifford. who takes a look back at how this case has progressed over the past. nearly three decades. >> reporter: kevin collins' father. david. while still
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anguishing over the loss of his own son. joined mark klaas to search for his daughter. polly. when she was kidnapped in 1993. polly klass was later found dead the entire city was involved. this search began to take a toll on the family. >> we were still in shock. for the first couple of weeks and it is still hard to believe that he is gone. >> this was picked up nationally and it even was on the cover of newsweek magazine he was one of the first child to be featured on a milk carton. the remains of the boy remained a mystery. parents and eventually set off the kevin collins foundation. eventually, after setting up the kevin collins foundation they thought that he might
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never reach get home alive >> i think that he was deceased. i'd think most of my family feels that way. >> in 1996 they close to the door because of the lack of funding a. the foundation closed its stores and eventually it took a terrible toll on their marriage and they divorced. charles clifford, kron 4. japan them a new tonight at 8:00 p.m.we will have more tonight on kron-4 news at 11 o'clock. and constant updates on our web site. twitter. and facebook pages. new tonight at eight. a former employee at a tiburon catholic school is under arrest - charged with sex crimes against a former student. kron four's terisa estacio reports on how the parents discovered the alleged
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abuse. it was here at st. hilary's school in tiburon in the aftercare program.. where police say 25 year old max rubenstein met the victim. the alleged abuse was uncovered. after the girls parents found suspicious messages on her facebook page. they alerted authorities who launched an investigation. police now believe, rubenstein abused the girl for nearly a year. while he was still an employee at the school and she had gone on to high school. the private marin school is for k through 8th grade. in a letter sent to parents. and obtained by kron four news. the archdiocese of san francisco said quote "the incident happened after the student graduated from st. hilary's, and did not take place at st. hilary's. it continues to say they are cooperating with authorites..and quote, "keep this graduate of st. hilary's student and family in your thoughts and prayers." the archdiocese did not say why rubenstein left the school last year. he had been an employee for 4 years in the school extended care circulum. at st. hilary's - most parents refused to talk about the matter. some didn't know about the incident. one parent did have this to say. >> we first heard about those were you alarmed?
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>> after our read a while that it did not happen on the school's territory. or ongoing then i felt better. >> reporter: rubenstein will be in court wednesday. he is facing 22 felony counts, including forcing a minor to perform oral sex. he is being held on a half a million dollars bail. if convicted, he could face 90 years in prison. as far as whether rubenstein molested any other students. at st. hilary's or elsewhere. police will only say that their investigation is ongoing. terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >> pam: new tonight at eight. the c-h-p has released 9-1-1 calls from the bizarre "sideshow" stunt. that stopped traffic cold on interstate 880 near the oakland coliseum over the weekend. c-h-p investigators are currently reviewing videos from the incident. in an attempt to track down the drivers who are responsible. >> dispatcher: 911 what are
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you reporting? >> these severe tire tracks, are causing a huge fo traffic jam in front of the coliseum a. >> there is smoke everywhere. >> what kind of cars are there? pummel one has custom paint. people are coming in and out of their cars. >> they are doing this on the freeway? >> they are stuck on the freeway. this is ridiculous! >> pam: they are reviewing
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surveillance video and attempting to track down the drivers who are responsible. >> jacqueline: low 60s for santa rosa. 61 in fairfield. as we take a look at our current conditions. temperatures in the 50s for this time with it 50s and 60s in concord, hayward. as we look for the overnight hours it will stay mostly clear. 30's and '40's expected. some high clouds but it will be noticeably warmer. in fact it will stay with us for quite some time. a look a your extended forecast. >> reporter: this was media day at the orleans. new orleans.
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we are now just five days away from the super bowl. and things are heating up in the host city - new orleans. media from around the world made their way to the superdome in big easy today. including kron 4's j.r. stone. j.r. what is it like in new orleans tonight? the city of santa clara has
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confirmed. it has sent police officers to new orleans. to learn about that city's security plans for the super bowl. santa clara is working on a plan of it's own amid expectations the city could host a super bowl in a few years once the 49ers new stadium is completed. city officials are not ready to divulge details of the plan except to say, it will extend beyond the stadium,
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as part of a regional effort to maintain safety. the santa clara spokesman says, the security detail would be a regional effort and the cost would be shared by all who stand to benefit from hosting a super bowl in the bay area. and stay with kron-4 for live coverage of super bowl week from new orleans. you can always get updates on our web site. kron-4- dot-com. and on our facebook and twitter pages. be sure to tune in to kron-4 sunday night. we'll have live special super bowl coverage from 7-to-9 p-m.
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>> jacqueline: we have seen in some wind coming from the in the valley. that always warms things up. futurecast definitely, more mild with temperatures in the 50s. i do not think that this is quite accurate we could order, see more 40's and 50's. 60s for the afternoon. temperatures going right down to the 40's and 50's. 30's for the inland valleys. 30's in
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pleasanton. otherwise, low 40's. 60s across the board. the 60s and palo alto. 60s through livermore. consider low mid-60s for the north bay. a look at your extended forecast. for the next several days. dry and mild temperatures in the 60s. more cloud coverage and a slightly cooler temperatures but it does not look like we will see rainfall for next week. >> coming of the great apps, contests, and a social media
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interaction towards this super bowl. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle, with the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before.
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gabe slate tech report take a look at the several oapps
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>> pam: next at 8-30. residents in vallejo take matters into their own hands. in an effort to fight crime in their neighborhood. >> and the fallout from an alleged hazing scandal. that got several students kicked out. and cost an >> jacqueline: this live look outside. your extended forecast. well, well, well.
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growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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>> now for a look at our top stories at eight-thirty. san francisco police confirm, they did find bones under the garage of a home being searched in connection to the 19-84 disappearance of 10- year- old kevin collins. however. a preliminary
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assessment shows, the bones are from an animal. and further tests need to be conducted. police say, the people who currently live in the home on the 11-hundred block of masonic. are not considered suspects in the disappearance. >> a former employee of a north bay catholic shool, is under arrest and charged with child molestation. police in tiburon say, 25- year-old max rubenstein. sexually abused a student at the saint hillary's school for more than a year. investigators were reportedly tipped off to the abuse, by the victim's parents, who found suspicous messages on her facebook page. >> the city of santa clara has confirmed. it has sent police officers to new orleans, to learn about that city's security plans for the super bowl. santa clara is working on a plan of it's own, amid expectations the city could host a super bowl in a few years once the 49ers new stadium is completed. >> a catholic high school football coach has been fired, and a number of his players have been expelled. and it's all because of hazing. kron 4's maureen kelly
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explains what happened. and why the police have been notified. >> reporter: i'm here at st patrick-st vincent high school in vallejo where the alledged hazing took place during football season this past fall. a spokesperson for the school says there were multiple incidents between members of the varsity and junior varsity pl inside the locker room during unsupervised practices. the school got wind of it after the head coach overheard a student complain of the alleged abuse in mid december. he in turn reported what he heard to school officials who put the entire coaching staff on paid leave and suspended the alleged perpertrators of the abuse. after they concluded their investigation they decided to expell five players.for alledgedly abusing and bullying six underclassmen.and then contacted the vallejo police. the school would not go into detail about what actually happened during the hazing.
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>> it was well beyond horseplay and it definitely crossed the line. >> reporter: the lieutant in charge of investigations for the department says they are waiting to hear from the kids involved before they launch an investigation.and so far no one has come forward so it's unclear if any criminal charges will come out of this. here at the school.four assistant coaches were reinstated after the school established that they had no knowledge about what was going on. the head coach was firedbut not because he was aware of the hazingbut because the school says he was ultimately responisble for the teamand they should have allowed to be left unsupervised. maureen kelly kron4 news. >> pam: in vallejo - residents in one neighborhood are so sick of crime that they're taking matters into their owngrant lodes is here to show us the area we're talking about. grant? it's called the carriage oaks neighborhood. just west of interstate 80 and just north of highway 37. it's not a large area. from nicole way, to gateway
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drive. down souza way, and along borges lane. there are 297 homes in this and as kron four's dan kerman resports.residents here are putting in long hours.hoping they can turn things around and make the neighborhood safer. on a walk with her kids. she's patrolling her neighborhood >> we are watching for some specific any specific and suspicious activity. in the previous break-ins. >> reporter: since september, vallejo's carriage oaks neighborhood has seen a sharp increase burglaries with limited police resources, encarnacion recruited neighbors to start a neighborhood watch the emphasis of this neighborhood watch, is watching. in fact. several of the members like this woman actually patrol the neighborhood encarnacion's dining room, >> i refuse to be a prisoner
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in my own homes or wanted to band together and get other people to band together. i do not want to put it up with it anymore. >> we let them know that we are aware of what they are doing and we are visible. they will know not to come up here. >> this is a map. it helps track each and every burglary. the pink, green, and yellow. >> we've also install this surveillance video. we are catching these cars. we are starting to capture burglar's themselves. if >> there have been three groups are rested. they are patrolling more often and they are showing no signs of
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letting up. >> they have been identified and to you will be identified and we're going to catch them. helps track each and every burglary pink dots for home burglaries, green dots for auto burglaries, yellow dots for attempted burglaries and it appears to be making a difference 3 groups of burglars have been arrested so far police are now patrolling more often and residents show no signs of letting up in vallejo dan kerman kron 4 news. >> pam: police released sketches of two susects in the shooting that injured four teenagers in brentwood last week. the driver-- is decribed as a white male between 18 and 25 years old with blonde hair. and the passenger-- is described as a hispanic man around the same age. this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 new -- where the shooting happened. police say, altogether, three to four males in a car, opened fire on the teens. police say, this all happened after the teens commented on their clothing. three suspects are in
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custody in connection with a home invasion robbery in san jose. earlier this month, police say, these are the men who tied up an elderly couple and then ransacked the home. making off with jewlery, other valuables and both family cars. it happened last monday evening, here on bret harte drive in san jose's almaden valley neighborhood. police say, at least one of the suspects had a knife. and they add, the three men are also responsible for three previous armed robberies in san jose. that include the stabbing and assault of two other victims. san francisco's ban on public nudity will take effect starting friday. a federal judge today ruled, the city ordinance. which the board of supervisors approved last month. does *not violate the free speech rights of nudists. the judge also rejected the argument that the ordinance was unfair. because it grants exceptions for public nudity at permitted public events, such as the city's gay pride parade. >> jacqueline: temperatures for the evening, with
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currently, 40's. as we take a look outside some high cloud coverage. not bad. some clear skies building right offshore. storms well to the north and it will stay that way for the next several days. another pattern is that we will see dry and mild weather. this warming trend for tomorrow. clearing and chilly. 55, seven degrees and it will continue for the weekend. i will tell you more about that, coming up. >> this just in to the kron 4 news room this is a violent robberies >> this just in to the kron 4 news room at r downtown walnut creek. suspects were
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subject to pepper spray. and the used sledgehammers to break open the jewelry cases. black infini wast getaway car. >> come35 this rare sighting coming up, this rare sighting in the next edition of people behaving badly
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>> now for today's market update. stocks are approaching record levels. after a january rally that has pushed the dow up 6- and- half percent. and the s-and- p-500 up nearly six- percent. on wall street. the dow shot up 72-points to close just shy of 14- thousand. the nasdaq fell a fraction of a point. and the s-and-p-500. picked up- 7 to close above 15- hundred.
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>> another sign the housing market may be on the mend. home prices jumped in november. to their biggest gain in more than six years. that's according to the standard and poor's case- shiller index. home prices in 20- major u-s cities, rose 5- and-a- half percent in november, compared to the year before. phoenix posted the largest increase, with home prices there climbing nearly 23- percent. >> apple has announced a new beefed up version of the current fourth generation i- pad. this new model will feature a larger hard drive. with 128- gigabytes of storage. bringing it closer to the specs of a laptop. everything else in the new i=pad is the same, except the price. the large storage model will cost eight hundred dollars for the wi-fi version and 929-dollars for a wi-fi plus data plan model. it will hit stores next
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tuesday. in sports. randy moss calls himself the greatest receiver ever. as four-thousand media members descend on colin kaepernick and the rest of the 49ers. it could only be super bowl media day. and gary has the best moments. next randy moss calls member greatest receiver ever. members of the media for over 60,000 california foster children,
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nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. >> see the man on his cell phone, to the untrained eye he is just that a man on his cell phone but to me he is behaving badly
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why, well let's take a close look, this is sutro sam the name given to this river otter that has taken up residence here this is the historic sutro baths located just below the cliff house restaurant in san francisco around this area are several signs just like this that read for your safety, and the protection of the river otter inhabiting the former sutro baths, this area is temporaily closed so the area is closed beyond that point
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but as i have proven time and time again signs like this are for everyone else, so people walk up to the signs, then walk right past them however it's way beyohnd just ignoring the signs, some people have started feeding the wild otter, and get this some are trying to swim the otter or letting their dog try to swim with the otter if figures the minute we get a rare sighting of a river otter which by the way the national park service is still trying to figure out how it even got here people would rush over and try to feed it, and i not a but surprised that people are ignoring the signs or the fences this sign reads area closed for your safety i rest my case. the park service is looking into how to fix the issue and they say is worse on the weekends well let's just hope we don't scare the otter or even worse well lets not even thinks about that , oh yea i almost forgot. one guy told me he believes the otter made this his home because people have been dumping unwanted gold fish in this water . now how is that for behaving badly in san francisco stanley if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e- mail us at 'people behaving badly' at kron4dot-com.
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no media day would be complete without the team photos >> jacqueline: this area of high pressure is continuing to show some conditions dominating the forecast. rainfall out of the bay area that will stay that way for the next several days. upper 30's and 40's. 35 in napa. 39 and concord. 30's for the bay shore. for the afternoon, 60s. low 60s in the south bay. 64 in palo alto. also, 63 and concord. low 60s for the east bayshore. 59 in san
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francisco and for the coast. and mid-60s with dry and warm. a bit breezy with t temperatures climbing. it will stay dry and sunny. we will also stay dry and sunny. a bit more cloud coverage is expected but it does not look likely will see rain until at least mid next week. as for we did have some of flurries. if you like more information,
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>> good evening, every body. the media welthe media-will be able to interact with the players. and yes, my producer, jason wants to emphasize that the each received a lunch. talking about to me, it is just staying focused on what we're getting done it is great to have all of the cameras but we are here to win a game. just because you're in a situation you of not been in before does not mean that you need to a pressure. >> gary: alex smith did not get an podium. however, with each question,
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centering around what happened, how is he feeling. does he want out? >> things happen in sports. for me, it is just being ready for the next opportunity >> i think that this is a double pass. yet is a blessing to be in the super bowl. >> gary: for $25, you can watch somebody with a camcorder. perhaps if you thought that randy moss was correct? [laughter] on data plea, it is going to be randy moss. >> i think now that i am
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older i do think that i am the greatest receiver to ever do it. i do not want to live on numbers i want to be able to remember on that the impact of the field. >> that is the great randy moss and we will see if jerry wants him back next year. and also, harbaugh. they brought and their parents. they put a nice spin on this and it is a sweet hot shoe. and how are you going to beat that? >> he is a great coach. talented. and just to think that i am one half a coach that he is. >> you fight for everything
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>> and jim is ever the coach. coach harbaugh very active in organizing the 49ers team photo check out harbaugh directing traffic at one point harbaugh gave aldon smith his cap and you can see smith and kaepernick cracking up finally they got everyone setand stilland took the photo ray lewis the big story he is denying a sports illustrated store that he took an illegal substance to get ready for the season. >> of that store is two years old and you want me to comment on that? i do not want to even mention that the name or his antics in my speeches. every test i have
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taken. there has never been a question of weather i have even thought about using anything! to even entertain a stupidity like that he can get a store from somebody else. >> gary: sports illustrated is pretty credible but ray lewis is going to retire. if i am ray lewis 5 would probably take that same ave. if you can get a something special like this from joe montana. his first tweet today was a good luck today. they made a big deal today. and i will whisper to you because his sponsor says. law and maybe if he can get five or sex. by just want to
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share my life. let me talk to the audience. at the super bowl. >> where are you? >> that isandrew bogut. not playing hey gary and i know that you are on the radio but you are never going to sound like this. >> that is the voice of the n f l he does all of the halftime shows. that is pretty good. let us take a quick break and i will recoup and we will show you how the warriors did.
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>> and herbert bogut not playing and her- games stephen curry also out with a sprained ankle 3rd quarter/ 64-55 warriors klay thompson hits the three-pointer in transition 4th quarter/ 86-70 warriors inside 88-70 warriors final: 108-95 warriors >> pam: see you at 11.
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